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Sunday, August 10, 2008

first day of school

The kids started school this past Thursday. Cam began the 3rd grade and Carlie the 1st. Cam was really excited about his class because his best friend, Justin is in there with him, along with several other boys he knows. He was also really excited about his new teacher. Carlie was excited about her class too. Her friends Landon and Eden are both in there with her. She was disappointed that her best friend Presley was in another class, but she gets to see her alot during the day and they start dance class together this week.

My babies are getting so big!
I walked them both to their classes on Thursday morning, just to make sure they knew where they were going...their school is HUGE! They were fine and I got out of there without incident...when I picked them up from school they were both excited and telling me what a great day they both had. I was so relieved....
THEN...on Friday morning we were getting ready for school and Cam asked me if I would NOT walk him in. I told him that I wouldn't, and I asked him if he was too big to have his mom walking him into school. He said "No, it's ju
st too hard when you leave". Then he told me he cried a little after I left. Talk about heartbreaking!!!!! I was sad when I thought he was too big to have me with him, but I was crushed when he said it made him cry for me to leave!!!

I usually make them a cake on the first day of school, but I didn't on Thursday. So Friday I made sure I bought the things I needed and baked their "school bus" cake for them. They were so excited when they got home and saw it! Cam said he didn't cry and of course Carlie didn't either.

Wouldn't Martha Stewart be proud?
Hopefully this will be another great year for both of them!

Have a fabulous day!

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