Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tales of a Substitute Teacher

So next week is our school's Spring Break. Can I tell you that I have never been more excited! And guess what? We aren't even going anywhere!! Guess what else? That is precisely why I'm beside myself with excitement!!!
I've always looked forward to a Disney World trip, or a cruise, or some other fabulous vacation for Spring Break. I was more than a little bummed when I asked Britt if we could take a trip this year and he looked at me like I had two heads when he said "" Apparently the economy is in the toilet. Perhaps you've heard?
Yeah, only God didn't let me in on the fact that I would be ECSTATIC that I am staying home next week! One whole week with no schedule! We can wear pjs all day! And the Masters is this weekend! At this point that sounds like vacation enough for me!
You see, I've been subbing for a wonderful friend of mine who teaches 2nd grade. Her son is in the hospital. Their family has had a really rough 3 weeks. :( Hopefully things will start to look up for them soon. They are all in my prayers.
Maybe you are unfamiliar with the fact that I have considered myself retired since March of 2006 when I left Wachovia. So working full time has been a very big adjustment.
Folks, I am here to tell you. Working full time is a full time job!!! Ohhhh......maybe that's why that call it full time......If any of you are full time employees and full time moms my hat is off to you!!! After nearly 3 weeks of working everyday I still cannot adjust! Maybe I'm just stubborn like that? Nah, I'm sure that's not it! I'm just old and set in my ways, I guess. Hah! No, that's really not it. Ahem. I think it's because I stay up until midnight or so, then get up at 5:30!! Three weeks of that will start to wear on you! You would think I had wisened up by now and go to bed earlier. Yeah, right. I went to bed about 12:30AM last night and got up at 5:30AM.
Next week is Spring Break!! Hallelujah! "Teaching" for the last few weeks has been a lot of fun. Yes, there were some moments I prayed for rapture. But all in all I really enjoyed it. The kids were hilarious! Some tried my patience to the point of insanity, others I absolutely LOVE! Times when I had enough I started handing out silent lunches, sentence writings, and math facts left and right. Then the kids would straighten up for awhile. I felt like I was being really mean...not mean, but you know....strict is a better word I guess. But the kids kept saying "I love you Mrs. Coleman." and they have drawn me enough pictures to fill the Metropolitan Museum! Makes you wonder other subs are. The ones that the kids do not like.
Today is my last day. I have Women's Sowing Cirle at my house tomorrow and the realtor is showing it too! Needless to say, I have my [house]work cut out for me when I get home today!!
Honestly, I think I'm a little sad that it's over. I am actually going to miss this buncha yahoos! If school started a little later I could probably do this full time.

Yeah, I laughed out loud too after I typed that.


  1. Glad to have you back in the blogging world...also glad that you be back to "Planet Stay-at-Home Mom" soon!


  2. Fun! I guess? lol Change is always good for us!
