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Sunday, May 3, 2009

But what's new?

It's been a busy weekend around here. But what's new?

Cam's baseball team moved to 6-1 last night. We had a skating party to celebrate Carlie's upcoming 7th birthday yesterday. We had 4 little girls spend the night with us Friday night. Again, in celebration of Carlie's upcoming birthday.
Also, I started Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred after reading this post from Big Mama. She is right. It's terrible. And it's a psychotic exercise kinda way! It's definitely a challenge! I'll let you know
how it goes. If I stop posting altogether, it's likely I have died from it!!!

Carlie woke up with a low grade fever this morning. So we stayed home from church. Actually, we haven't left the house ALL day! She still has a slight fever, so I guess we will just watch and see.

But here is my post within a post: CARLIE HAS BEEN ON THE PHONE AGAIN!

Thursday night Cam asked me to come upstairs to play Guitar Hero with him. He had unlocked a new song and insisted that I come play it. So I did.
Carlie came upstairs after a few minutes. She asked what our zip c
ode was. I told her. And promptly went back to The Beastie Boys' "No Sleep til Brooklyn"! A few more minutes passed. Carlie returned. "Mama, where is your purse?" I told her. And went back to R.E.M's "The One I Love". After that song ended I decided I needed to know what Miss Priss was up to. I walked down into the kitchen. Carlie had my check card out and was typing the numbers into the telephone!!!!!!!!!! I said "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?????" In my calmest possible voice, of course. Carlie looked at me like, "what are you so upset about" then said matter-of-factly, "I was ordering Bugville Butterflies." I hung up the phone. Carlie....somewhat irritated....said "What are you doing? I was almost finished with that lady???" I was stunned! What's worse, the child (6 year old child, at that) had used the TiVo to rewind the Bugville Butterfly commercial. Then she paused it when it showed the phone number!!!!
When B got home I told him what happened. We both thought we had YEARS before we had to have that don't-take-money-or-credit cards-out-of-our-wallets-without-asking talk!!
Looks like we were wrong!

We had it Thursday night!!!!

Like I said, it's been a busy weekend. But what's new?

She is absolutely a stinker. But isn't she precious????

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am about to choke I am laughing so hard!!!!!! That girl cracks me up!!!!! I love it!!! Watch those credit card statements!

Hope she gets to feeling better soon!