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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not as young as I used to be....

Remember when we were kids? When 30 was old? I remember thinking my mom had one foot in the grave and the other one slipping when she was about 35. My how my perception has changed!!

But today I realized, my kids think I'm ancient!

This morning Cam was in rare form. He has spent the last 4 days deer hunting in South Arkansas with my husband, and my father-in-law. Britt and Cam got home around 4:00PM yesterday. Cam was none too happy that he had to go back to school today.

Cam asked me to turn the radio down as we drove to school. It wasn't loud to start with. But, trying to keep the peace, I obliged. He said "I can still hear it. Please turn it down some more!" I told him that it was barely audible, not nearly loud enough to annoy him. He kept whining and I said "Cam get over it. The radio can't be bothering you. I can barely hear it". Of course he replied "Well I can hear it!" Carlie, having had enough of this exchange between Cam and myself, came to my defense, "Cam don't be so mean to mama! When you're her age, you won't be able to hear good either!"

Thanks for being on my side, Carlie-bug. I think.


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