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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Central Park

I managed to edit a few of the 600+ photos from New York City, between hanging the Christmas decorations and unpacking and washing!
I grabbed just a few of us from Central Park to share. I plan to add more throughout the week.

This was my favorite of Carlie. I know I'm biased, but isn't she a cutie!?

She was totally in her element climbing on the rocks in Central Park! After being a fishes out of water for5 days, Cam and Carlie took to Central Park with renewed energy! They took off in a full sprint across the park, chasing each other up and down the rocks!

I continue to be awed by the contrast of the high rise buildings to the rocks, and grass, and pond, and trees of the park.

Naturally, we had to take a carriage ride through the Park. We had walked ALL day. I really enjoyed sitting and riding for awhile! The last time I was in NYC, we rode in the carriage at night. I like daytime much better! I took tons of pictures! Central Park is so incredibly beautiful!

I bothered a young guy and his girlfriend, who clearly wanted to be alone, at the top of this rock. But I needed a picture taken. The view was gorgeous from up there! This photo has Christmas card potential...which totally wasn't my goal.....what with the matching shirts and all.....totally coincidental. I also have a bridge for sale if you're interested.....

I decided to throw these into this post too. Before going over to Central Park, we went to "Top of the Rock". It amazes me that Rockefeller Center was built during the Depression! The views from up there are unbelievable! Again, tons of pictures. Most still need editing, but I'll put some up soon.

I love this picture of Britt and the kids. They look so happy!

Notice the t-shirt Britt is sporting? We were SO hot in NYC! Most of those building....including our hotel.....quit supplying air conditioning to the buildings once it gets below 50 degrees outside. It was around 50, up to 58 degrees, while we were there. Not nearly cold enough out to not have air conditioning in a public place, full of people! We southerners love our A/C!
My house stays between 69 and 72 degrees YEAR ROUND! Imagine our dismay when we called the front desk of the Crowne Plaza and they told us to open a window! Ever building we went into was scorching hot or miserably hot. This coming from a girl who spends most of her life in fleece pants and a hoodie sweatshirt! It's the 21st century NYC, turn off a few lights if you want to lower costs. But please, don't stop supplying air conditioning!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the pictures! I am so glad you guys had a great time! Britt even looks happy! =) That boy can smile!