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Monday, September 28, 2009

Three things all parents should teach their children--Blog Hop

My interest was piqued with this blog hop. What three things do I wish all children knew? What three things do I teach my children that perhaps most parents do not? Aside from the obvious things that I teach mine; to love and build a relationship with Jesus Christ, to say please and thank you, pick up the toys they drag out....

With that said, I wish more parents would teach children these three things:

1. Cough into your shoulder or the bend of your arm, not your hands.
This one really gets me. So many times I've been in a public place when a child coughed into the air. The well meaning parent says "Cover your mouth when you cough." So the child coughs again....into his hands. Then that child proceeds to touch everything around him.

2. Acceptance.
So many times I see small children who are intolerant of others who are different; whether it be someone who is multi-racial, or with Down's Syndrome, or a person of a lower socioeconomic status, or even an overweight, or taller person. I know that children are curious by nature. Sometimes they stare or point. But far too often I hear children being cruel to, or avoiding all together, people who are different from themselves. I think it's important to teach our children to accept people who are different. Lots of times I think people confuse acceptance with agreement. My being tolerant of someone who is homosexual, or Catholic doesn't make me either one. Nor does it mean I agree with either. How can you share the Word with someone you hate? I know too many people who call themselves Christians, yet have all this anger and hatred toward minority groups, because what those people do is against the Bible. I agree that certain lifestyles are not of the Lord. But I believe that God loves those people regardless. And we should too.
I talk to my children about all differences mentioned above. We make sure our children know our beliefs, but I also make sure they are tolerant of those who believe differently. And I make sure they know God wants us to share His Word with all people. Our world would be a much better place if we could raise a generation who accepted others.

3. Civility
In this day and age we adults tend to be rude ourselves. We cut others off in traffic because we are in such a hurry. We talk on our cell phones while picking up the dry cleaning, or going through a drive-thru....which is not only rude to the merchants, but it's rude to whom you're talking! And we text one another while we are waiting in line, or even while having dinner with someone else! We totally engross ourselves with someone via text or email, and completely alienate the people sitting right beside us! By doing these things we are teaching our children that it's acceptable behavior. Technology has made our lives so convenient. But we need to be cautious of the incivility it creates!

Have a great day!

Just because I just thought of it. Because I just said it....AGAIN.

4. Life isn't fair.
And it's never going to be.


MckLinky Blog Hop
Special thanks to Hand Sanitizers for sponsoring this blog hop.


Renea Lynch said...

Love #3 especially! :) I need to be reminded of that myself from time to time. tfs.

Lucy and Ethel said...

Amen to #3. And #2. And #1 for that matter! Great post.

Have a blessed day,


Josie said...

That was great! Come over and see mine!

Unknown said...

Amen! You think we could somehow make new parents sign a commitment to do those things along with a few others? =)