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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas through the years......

Just thought I'd share some snapshots of Christmas over the last few years. It makes me a little sad to see how much my babies have grown!


Matching GAP sweaters, cutting our Christmas tree!
They would NEVER wear matching clothes now!

This is Cam and Carlie with my nieces, baking and decorating Christmas cookies at Nanny's house.

The kids and Britt mixing up our annual Birthday cake for Jesus.
Look at those little faces!


My cuties by the tree!

Little did I know that this was the last Christmas of Carlie's curls!!

Carlie was excited to get "Big Sister Dora" that year!

Cam got his first 4 wheeler that year!

He still loves it!


My 4 year old princess with short hair, me with brown hair, and my 6 year old little man!

Carlie cut her hair off up to her ears in March, with "safety" scissors while I was at work and she was with my dad! It had grown out ALOT by the time we took this picture!

Cam and Carlie with my nieces.....they've grown so much in just 2 years

Hugging the tree we chose!


Every year we bake Jesus a birthday cake on Christmas Eve

Carlie started collecting American girls that year. This was Emily, Molly's best friend. Santa brought her Molly!

Cam got a new set of golf clubs for Christmas!

And a Brett Favre, Green Bay jersey!

Our house, with our Christmas Eve luminaries.

Each year on Christmas Eve each house in our neighborhood sets out luminaries. People come from all over the town to ride through and see the lights. It's so beautiful!


This picture of Carlie makes me smile! She wanted a violin more than anything! That face says it all!

Cam wanted full football gear for Christmas!

Santa brought him pants, a helmet and a jersey with his name and number on it!

Another American girl.....Nellie!

2008 was also the year Britt surprised me with the best Christmas gift!!

I opened this box last. In it was a beach towel, a sun hat, a swimsuit, sunscreen, and our passports!

I was so excited! Britt told me he had booked us a trip to Excellence all inclusive resort in Playa Mujeres, Mexico! I cried I was so surprised! He had never surprised me and in 10 years he had NEVER booked a trip without my help!!


I can't wait to take all the Christmas pictures this year! So far we only have our Christmas card. Here it is......

I designed this one myself with my Creative Memories StoryBook Creator. This was one of our favorite pictures from New York. Ice Skating on Rockefeller Center.



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